Taking on Wolf Caves
We teamed up with Treadwright Tires last week to try out their Claw II's. We headed to Wolf Caves in Mason, TX to put these tires to the test. Did they stand up to the rocky terrain? Check out the video and see!
We loved every second of Wolf Caves. The trails were rated from Green to Red with Green being the "easist" rock and Red being marked specifically for vehicles that have a roll cage and tires equipped to handle the insanity.
Given that Katniss isn't as decked out as our TJ, we had to stick to Green and Yellow, but these Claw tires kept us completely in the game. They literally ate the rock.
If you guys ever get a chance to make it to Mason, TX, we have to say be sure to get your wheel on at Wolf Caves. From the moment you turn to head to the trails, you are climbing over something. It was a ton of fun!
In honor of our weekend on Treadwright Tires, use code REBELTREAD and get 10% off in our shop and at treadwright.com!